lundi 4 février 2008

Our bags


Have you seen women left there bags on the floor specially in the public toilets in the restaurant, then return to there seat and put there bags on the table! It happens all the time...

Its not always "the food in the restaurant" that gives us stomach problems...

Sometimes, what we do not know, makes us sick!!!

My mother always get upset when we or some guests throw there bags on the kitchen table or on the dining table. She always said: "This are the places where we prepare and eat our food, that bags are very dirty bacause most of you dont pay attention to where you put your bags". And she is right!

Amy Karen, Microbiologist of Nelson laboratories confirmed, that bags are not only infested with germs, but also bacterias that can cause eye infection. On top of that, they found out that it can be nourturing the bacteria called "salmonella" The salmonella is a type of microbes intervening in various types of food intoxications, but which can also be the reason of typhoid fever and paratyphoid.

Leather bags or in vinyl have tendency to be cleaner than bags in cloth. People with children seem to have dirtier bags than those without children, technically. The bag of a single woman who goes to nightclubs frequently introduced pollution of all the worst? a certain type of excrement (faeces), or vomit can be found.

The moral lesson of this subject: - Our handbags will not kill us, but it can be the reason to make us very ill if we continue putting it in the places where we eat-.

The experts said: "Our handbags are as dirty as our shoes"

1 commentaire:

Anonyme a dit…

This is a nice post, Ann! I did'nt know about bags being dirty until i read here hehe!
As far i remember i never put bags on the table when visiting another house, even if i did'nt thought " bags might have germs" but for me it is impolite to put bags on dining table.
But you know i saw some people doing like that already, especially those who have name brands bags hahaha! non,mais...

Have a great sunday, Ann!
ps: hey, i can't see anymore your photo here, maybe i forgot to tell you that you look lovely and slimmer.