mercredi 6 février 2008

Poulet coco réunionais

Easy and tasty recipe for a busy day.

INGREDIENTS: (for 4 person)

1 whole chicken cut into pieces
400 ml coconut milk
2 spoonfull concentrated tomato sauce
1 large onion
1 large red bellpepper
3 spoonfull olive oil
2 cups of water
salt & pepper


1) In a heavy bottom casserole or cocote, pour in the olive oil, then cook the chicken into golden brown. Put salt & pepper, then mix the concentrated tomato sauce & stir

2) Pour in the water & cook for 30 mins.

3) Dice onion and bellpepper, mix it with the chicken, stir. Pour in the cooconut milk, then cook for 45 mins. C'est prêt!

note: Eat with rice.

1 commentaire:

Olivier a dit…

Merci pour cette recette Anne.
Ma maman nous faisait souvent ce plat, et grace a toi j'ai enfin pu retrouver cette saveur incomparable !